8.2. Releasing keys to force registering at SysOrb server

If you for some reason would like an agent to check-in to another server than the one it already does, you have to release the authentication key for the agent. Both the server and the agent has the key, which is used for security purposes.

8.2.1. Releasing on agent

To release the agent key on a Unix-like system, you must delete you the variables file while the SysOrb agent daemon is stopped. The location of the variables file is configured in the agent.conf file on the host where the agent runs (ususally /var/lib/sysorb/variables.agent).

To release the key on a windows open the SysOrb configuration utility located in Start menu->Programs->SysOrb->SysOrb configuration. In the configuration tree choose SysOrb agent->General->Release Key. In the dialog on the right side of the configuration dialog click the Release Key button.

To release the agent key on a NetWare system, you must delete you the variables file while the SysOrb agent NLM is unloaded. The location of the variables file is configured in the AGENT.CFG file on the host where the agent runs (ususally \SYSORB\AGENT.VAR).

8.2.2. Releasing on server

You can also release the key on the server to force the server and agent to make a new key.

To release the key on server, do the following in the SysOrb web interface: