12.12. Example scripts

In this section we will present two scripts which automate the extraction of all data in SysOrb (except Incident Logs) through the sysorb-tool.

One script is for bash, and should work with all Unix'es where bash is installed. The other script is for Windows.

Example 12-1. Example extracting all data using bash


# Change these variables to match your setup.

# This directory will be created by the script. If such a file or
# directory already exists, it will be deleted.


# Prepare the output directory.
if [ -e "$OUTPUTDIR" ]; then
    rm -rf "$OUTPUTDIR"

mkdir -p "$OUTPUTDIR"

# The outer loop extracts a list of all the nodes on the server.
$STDCMDLINE listnodes -r -o iN . | while read i; do

    # The id of the node is the characters before the first space
    NODEID=`echo $i | cut -d ' ' -f 1`

    # The name of the node is the rest of the characters. Remember to
    # translate /'es to _, as /'es are illegal in filenames.
    NODENAME=`echo $i | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | tr / _`

    echo "Exporting $NODENAME"

    # The inner loop extracts all the checks on one of the nodes
    $STDCMDLINE listchecks -o iN -i $NODEID | while read j; do
        # The check's id and the checks name, is extracted in the same 
        # way as the nodes.
        CHECKID=`echo $j | cut -d ' ' -f 1`
        CHECKNAME=`echo $j | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | tr / _`

        # Extract all data for the check. If there is only need for a
        # period of data, the -b and -e options to the select command
        # can be used, together with the unix date command.

Example 12-2. Example extracting all data on Windows

@ECHO off

REM The parameters to the sysorb-tool. The current one logs in as the user
REM admin with the password admtest in the domain . on the server localhost
SET params="-l admin -P admtest -d . -s localhost"

REM Change sotool to point to the path of the SysOrb tool.
SET sotool="%ProgramFiles%\SysOrb Server\sysorb-tool.exe"

REM Execute the sysorb-tool in order to extract the list of all the domains.
%sotool% %params% -f %tmp%\nodes.txt listnodes -r -o iN .

REM Now use the nodes.txt file as a parameter to the for loop

FOR /F "tokens=1*" %%i IN (%tmp%\nodes.txt) DO (
        REM echo Processing node %%j

        REM Extract a list of all checks present on the node
        %sotool% %params% -f %tmp%\%%i-checks.txt listchecks -o iN -i %%i

        REM If there are no checks on the node, the file will not be created.
        IF EXIST %tmp%\%%i-checks.txt (
                FOR /F "tokens=1*" %%k IN (%tmp%\%%i-checks.txt) DO (
                        ECHO Extracting data for %%l on %%j to file %%k.csv

                        REM Store the name of the check in the first line 
                        REM of the CSV file.
                        ECHO Node,CheckName > %%k.csv
                        ECHO %%j,%%l >> %%k.csv
                        REM Extract the data for the check.
                        %sotool% %params% select -i %%k >> %%k.csv
                DEL /F %tmp%\%%i-checks.txt

rem DEL /F %tmp%\nodes.txt