Chapter 11. SysOrb Import and Export tools

Table of Contents
11.1. sysorb-exporter
11.2. sysorb-importer
11.3. Examples of how to use

The SysOrb importing and exporting tools, called sysorb-importer and sysorb-exporter is provided to allow the user to import and export parts of the database. This could be either for importing in another system, or in order to create nodes/checks in SysOrb, from the commandline.

11.1. sysorb-exporter

The sysorb-exporter can be used to export a part of the SysOrb database to XML. Once the data is exported to XML, it can easily be manipulated and imported into SysOrb again, or it can be imported into other programs.

The syntax of the sysorb-exporter tool is:

sysorb-exporter [-h] [-s server] [-p port] [-d domain] -l login [-P password] [-f filename] [-e domain] [-i classes] [-I classes]


Displays a text on how to use the tool

-s server

Instructs the utility which SysOrb server to connect to. Defaults to the local machine.

-p port

If you SysOrb server uses a non-default port, use this switch.

-d domain

Specifies the domain in which the user that is used for the login is placed.

-l login

The login name of the user.

-P password

The password for the login.

-f filename

This option specifies the output file. If not specified standard out will be used.

-e domain

The domain to export. I.e. if the users login is in the root domain, and the domain that should be exported is further in the tree, this option is useful.

-i classes

Ignores the listed classes in the export. This is a comma-separated list, that allows to stop the export at a specific level, e.g. at the node level.

-I classes

Include only the listed classes. This is a comma-separated list, that allows you to restrict the scope of the export operation. E.g. -I Domain,Node will cause only domains and the nodes to be exported, not any of the checks or other sub-objects of either nodes or domains. Appending a + to a class name will cause all sub-objects to be included, e.g. -I Domain,Node+ will cause all nodes with checks and other settings to be exported, while still excluding users and other objects present in domains.